Wednesday, 23 November 2011

And the Business Awards

I put my hand up to the fact that I do give Oceans Resort Hotel in Tutukaka a wrap on this blog.  Of course I do, I work, live and breathe this place and I still wake up each morning loving the fact that I do get to live and work here.
A few months ago Steve and I sat down with the team to ask their permission to enter this year’s Westpac and Northland Chamber of Commerce Business Awards.  With their permission (it is a team effort here) we put ourselves forward into two categories; Business Coaching NZ Best Emerging Business Award and the More FM Customer Choice Award.   For those who are considering entering these awards next year I can not tell you enough times to do it.  Completing the entry forms really does allow you to do a focused health check on your business.  I will be doing another blog on Business in Northland soon as the support you get as a business here is over-whelming, it just sits there waiting till you call for it.
So we put our entry form in.  At the beginning it was scary stuff, not knowing what the judges were looking for or what layout should really be done, but then it dawns on you.  This isn’t high-school, they want to read about your business and they want a clear understanding of your business, your values, your goals, how your business ticks and what the underlying spirit of your business is.  When you realise this it becomes so simple.  As you can imagine our entry form was bright and crisp, a bit of fun and a little bit different……just like Oceans.  And with the support of Tony from Smart Energy Solutions who won last year we put our entry form in with our shoulders back.  No matter the outcome we had presented our business on paper as it was in reality.  Not perfect, not shinny, not with all the answers, it was as we are honest, fun and with an air of excitement. 

What a great looking venue for the night

The judges read our entry and then came out to Oceans.  That part is fun!  We got to show off a place that in all honesty is just a great place to claim as “ours”.  There are not enough hours in the day to share the excitement of that!
Then it was the night, we knew we were finalists for both categories and that alone was a fantastic feeling.  I want to say that I didn’t mind if we won or lost, as at the end of day we were winners for entering….but that would be a lie.

The speech for Business Coaching NZ
Best Emerging Business Award

Business Coaching NZ, Best Emerging Business was the first of our two to be called.   Again I want to say that I didn’t have my fingers crossed and wasn’t silently saying “oceans, oceans, oceans” but again that would be a lie.  But to hear Oceans Resort Hotel called out as the winners was a heart filling sound!!!  To be able to walk up on stage and accept the award of behalf of our team was a treasured moment.

More FM Customer Choice Award
The next one for the More FM Customer Choice award was after Dessert, and the meals were fantastic.  I could have eaten more of that!
Then it was the second of our categories, I will admit now that both Steve and I, despite our desire, had not considered being able to walk away with two awards.  The other finalists were fantastic businesses and I know they are because I shop at many of them!  Though I silently hoped, I didn’t have my fingers crossed and I wasn’t silently saying “oceans, oceans, oceans”.  So when it was Oceans Resort Hotel that was called it was a feeling of gleeful confusion.  An award that was given to us from our customers, it was an award that directly reflected the fantastic nature of our team, it was an award that was of such high honour to receive that I will admit when I got on stage there was a moment when I thought there would be a tear.  And as I said when it was given to us, “This is an award that belongs to our team, it is a reason to thank everyone who has smiled at us, encouraged us, supported us and hugged us” This was really the award of the people.  All people who have ever been a part of Oceans; customers, staff and suppliers.
So thank you to everyone!!!!

Collective Concepts created a great night, The Chamber of Commerce created a great business support base and encouragement and Salt 'n' light have the most amazing photo's from the night, the ones of this blog are just a few of the many that were taken. The night was one that will not be forgotten.  So come into Oceans and look up on the bar and see our awards, Oceans Blue glass (it was meant to beJ) 

Sunday, 13 November 2011

off to Dargaville

Coffee and muffins as we prepare for our day
Well Friday we all met at Oceans Resort Hotel, most had a coffee, some had breakfast and some had a beer (why not it is Friday after all!).  I personally had Coffee.  It was 9am!!!!!  And for those who know me you know full well that this girl does not really kick into gear until her third coffee!  (Can't open my eyes till the second!)
Then it was time to load Nimmo's bus with chill-bins, food, chairs, blankets, umbrellas and of course beer and head off to the Races!  We were heading to the "other" coast, we were going west, with cash burning a hole in our pockets. 

Checking out the new building works
That Blog will follow.  Oceans is changing

I am not sure, but am confident that they were ripping up the road and putting a new one in every 2 kms, the bus was stopped that many times with the man (or woman) holding a little sign.  The power of the little sign in holding up the fate of our group winning BIG at the races!!!!  I didn't mind as I hadn't travelled this road before and hand on heart can say it is amazing country!!!!  The last time I headed to Dargaville was when I was 12 years of age.  My interest of the countryside at that age was non existent.  Now it seems the peace that is promised in the rolling hills and gentle streams is something that makes you draw breath and hope for the lotto win - or the horsey win:)

The perfect spot nothing but sunshine
So we finally pulled up and manoeuvred the bus through the farm gates, Rob did a great job with the Nimmo's Bus and there were cheers from all seats.  We drove up the farm road and pulled to the right into the paddock and parked the bus where we all threw ourselves out from the bus and got to have a look around.  The description of "farm" is spot on really, we were far from the Melbourne races!  With the bus acting as a wind break and the chairs, food and beverage unloaded everyone set themselves up for a day of winning, laughs and fun.

Steve, husband, found the van that was selling the BIGGEST mussel fritters I had seen for a long time!  Then he found the bar so really his day was set and he was settled.  Most of our guys on the bus found the bar with surreal speed. 

The horses running - Dargaville Races
Then it was time to place my first bet.  My first bet EVER.  pfft should have really got a translation book before I went!  Most of the time their questions were met with one eyebrow raised followed with a slow "what?"

To cut a long story short (I don't do this often! ask my husband) but the day was filled with winning and losing and my final bet was placed with relative confidence and there was no smerk from the lady as I did so.  SUCCESS!!!!!!!!

I got back on the bus $4.50 up from what I started with.  Do that enough times and that farmlet with the rolling hills and gentle stream will be mine!

Tis the ladies of the day
Then it was back to Oceans, stopping at some pub in some town that I would have no chance of saying the name of, then stopping at another bar in Whangarei and then getting back to Oceans.  On the way home Rob did the draw for prizes on the bus, I missed out on the chocolates and plastic 'boobs' but with a smile I patted my pocket that contained my $4.50:)

 I will say right now that the wonderful group of people I got to share the day with really made the day.  It was full of laughter, smiles and fun, it was relaxing and the sun was beaming.  So thank you to everyone who came, to Rob for driving us and for Lew who organised it and of course Chippy who sang all the way there and all the way back, (he has a great voice so it was a blessing really:))

And just as I sign off, I won't mention names......but at 1am on the Saturday Morning as I went back down to the bar, there was many a horse watcher still dancing, laughing and having fun in the Oceans Bar,  no names will be given but you will know who you are:)  Bet they needed Coffee that morning!

This isn't the first time I will say this nor will it be the last time that I say this, but I am a very, very lucky girl to be living is such a paradise!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

The Fan Zone

My Brother in the centre with the Moose and the Beaver at the
RWC Whangarei, Tonga vs. Canada
yes I know this is a late blog for talking about the RWC, but come on!  I have only just recovered enough to put it all into perspective.  6 weeks of nail biting tension, mixed with joy, elation, excitement and of course new respect.  Crouch, touch, pause..........engage!  How lucky am I to be living in such a wonderful country.  From the RWC volunteers, the catering companies, the refs, the police, and the spirit of every New Zealander.  It really did seem that one game brought together 20 countries, yes we all had our teams but there was so much support for the other teams, I am proud to be a kiwi and of course an All Black supporter, but was proud to also support Canada, Tonga and Japan as our Northland "Paint it Red" champagne.  I was VERY lucky to be able to attend the Tonga vs. Canada game in Whangarei.  I LOVED every minute of it.  The crowd and cheering was loud and enthusiastic.  On that occasion I had to support Canada as my Brother's wife is Canadian and her family were attending the game also, and boy did they dress the part!

So after 6 weeks of excitement and building tensions we were at the final, NZ vs. France.  What a game that was!!!!  Oceans Tutukaka had two fan zones set up and both were full.  Like any typical game there was the swell of excitement and cheers, everyone had that nervous feeling as the first kick started the game that determined how the RWC would finish.  Would Kiwi's be on a high or low?  The game was PAINFULL!!!  At one stage, with 5 minutes to go I looked at the Fan Zone 1 (Bar) and all the woman in the room had their hands over their mouth all the men had their hands on their heads.  The only two people in the room that didn't have that stance were two French supporters, who had their hands clasped in their laps.  oh and the staff of Oceans didn't have the accepted stance either, for once in my life I was thankful for the endless glasses to polish, busy hands really do relieve the mind, just a smudge on this occasion but a smudge non the less.

Fan Zone 1 (The bar) was split with three TV's, each set up and primed for advantage of seating.  Obviously Fan Zone 1 was the first to fill up due to the location, with a huge bar right in the middle!

Fan Zone 2 was set up in the restaurant, with a projector beaming the tension onto a huge screen, this one also filled up.  The photo above was taken at half time.  As you can see there is that distant reflection that is present as we continue to watch a screen flash up images that we care little for.  We are thinking about the consequences of the second half

At 9pm our chef's breathed a sigh of relief as the orders only trickled in, even the bar had a lull as we paid our respect to the two teams who had fought to this point.  The Haka, oh yes the Haka of the All Blacks, that is when (as a Kiwi) you feel your chest puff up with pride.  Then to see the French advance to meet the challenge, it was then you knew this game was going to be mighty!  With the Bar food the again going out and people who hadn't been able to face dinner leading up to it finding their tummy had a louder voice ordering their meals and bar getting busier again it was a welcomed distraction for our team as the tension grew and grew and grew and grew!

I was optimistic!  (I say that now but to be honest probably wasn't as confident at the start of that game)  So as the optimist  :) I primed the music to "We are the Champions" Then there was the glorious count down that was being yelled up and down this country in unison, 5....4......3.......2.......1......... then ........... the knowledge that whilst the ball is live there is yet a win, so there was brief silence as this was comprehended by all who watched.  Then the call of 1000's maybe not in unison this time but none the less was being willed, yelled, screamed, whispered and telepathically beamed......get it and kick it out!  Get it and kick it out!  Kick it Out!  KICK IT OUT! 

Andy Ellis heard the chant (Not really I know that!) and the kick out was sent high into the crowd.  ELATION!!!  Screaming Elation!  and with that "We are the Champions" was played as loud as it would go, from every speaker that Oceans could line up, inside and outside and with the pump of music, the relief, the joy and all the emotion that came with that golden kick, all who were there were one voice....we are champions my friend and we'll keep on fighting till the end...we are champions of the world.........and we are!

Thanks Oceans and thanks to everyone who helped make the final of the RWC one that will be remembered for the rest of my life!  Fan-bloody-tastic!

Saturday, 3 September 2011

and Dolphins in Ngunguru.

Ngunguru - Beautiful
Well if you are heading to spend anytime with us here in Tutukaka, if you are coming up from the South you are more than likely going to be passing through the most wonderful of seaside settlements, Ngunguru - (Nung - a - roo).  It is my personal opinion that as soon as you come around the corner and pass Munro Place you know you are somewhere special.  Infact I will be so bold as to say you will take a deep breath in.  I still do, after two years, I still draw breath.
From Ngunguru you look over to the pristine sandspit, and with a lot of work from very dedicated locals this sandspit has been given back to the people of New Zealand for the generations to enjoy that have yet to see day.
Last game of the season
Today, being Saturday, our household was up early with the usual scurry of Saturday sports activity.  It was Jack's final game for the season, so ALL of us had to go and watch.  Seems strange that so much effort is made when it is someones last time doing something, or last time for a while doing that thing, I was thinking today that if that much effort was put into everytime someone did something this world of ours may just spin a little smoother for many.
So our team played well, aged around 9 they are starting that competition feel and also the game has become more about flash play than forward play, which makes for a very quick game with much cheer from the side lines.

Mum and Dad enjoying the day
 On the way home through Ngunguru, and just after that deep breath that I have warned you about we heard a sqeal of delight from our daughter in the back seat.  "There back!" she gasped.  As all eyes looked at the estuary we saw what her proclaimed delighted was about - Dolphins.  A pod of 5 or 6 playing in the blue water between the moored boats.
So we pulled over and scrambled down the banks to watch.  Amazing to see them about 20 meters away playing and jumping around.  Pure magic.

Dolphins playing in Ngunguru

So on your way to stay with us at Oceans and as you pass through Ngunguru and take that breath in as you pass Munro Place, keep your eyes on the water for the dolphins.  Take the time to stop and enjoy the beautiful scenery that has been returned to the people.  And if you have the time (you should always make the time) turn right towards the school before you head up the hill to Tutukaka.  Stop and get out of your car and walk on the sand and climb the dunes and explore what is NZ at its best.  And if you are lucky watch the dolphins play.

My meaning of life for today that was found?  Seeing Nature and being honoured enough to observe the Dolphins at play.  Who knows if they have stress about things to get done, or wondering if that dolphin really likes them or is just after something else...who knows, but if they do have stress they take time out to play.  Lesson there.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

The Sunday Market was AWESOME!

Oceans Community Market
So Tutukaka had its first (since Oceans opened) Community Market and it was FANTASTIC.  So much so that we are going to do it again on the 25th September.  And if that one is even half as good as Sundays one then you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be one on the last Sunday of every month.  It was fantastic to see so many locals out enjoying the warm sun, great food and looking over the 30 stalls that were crammed full of stuff!  Hand made - home made - unloved items - much loved items and items with no home.  There was food, drink, sunshine, music from two very talented locals and a real happy buzz in the air.
Inside the Oceans Ball Room
Eclectic had racks and racks and racks of clothes out for people to pick through, their shop was a buzz with all of their wonderful items.  If you are looking for something totally amazing to impress your dinner guests at home, go in and see Wendy and the team and have a look at their dry produce for sale.  Pasta that has AMAZING colour!  including black spagetti.  Imagine that with yellow and red peppers.  WOW!!!
Tutukaka Surf had their shop open with some great stuff also.  Necklaces, homewares, surf gear, cards, t-shirts, kids clothes etc etc etc.  Seriously if you have a shopping addiction these two shops alone will serve as satisfaction!  Must admit my husband rolls his eyes when I say that I am just going to go and say "hi", he knows better and I always come back with something.  If you are a surfer or you want to be then the team here know there stuff.  You should call them or pop in and talk with Mel and Simon about heading out with them for lessons.  Check out their new website too!
Steve and Fi with just some of the magic
Steve Moase - a very talented local artist was also there.  If you ever want an orginal or a print of some of the most beautiful art I have seen then you need to meet Steve and his wife Fi.  The Spirit of the coast series is STUNNING.  Oceans Resort Hotel is very priviledged to be able to host just some of Steve's Art in our Restaurant for all to enjoy and to purchase. 
Karen from INTIMO also had her wonderful selection out and I know for a fact that a few people will be back to her.  Check out her website for a sneak peak before next month.

Outside enjoying the day

We have to thank Bianca for all her work, she did a fabulous job along with everyone else that came and supported.  so excited for the 25th and I am saving my pennies now.  Saw some great stuff but was way toooooo busy talking to get to the stalls.  not next time mark my words, you will see me there, I will be the one that you can't see due to all the purchases I am carrying and my husband will be beside me rolling his eyes:)

Monday, 18 July 2011

It was just disgusting

So woke to another day in Tutukaka.  Had to take a photo of what I have to put up with day after day after day.  The staff at Oceans are just so committed to our guests that they turn up regardless of it,  having to put up with the view, the great customers and fantastic atmosphere, they just get on with things, a true inspiration.

So, yes we woke to this awful view but we all got on and made the most of it.  Monday night is Pub night where you get to relax with a meal and a glass of beer or wine for only $15.  YUMMY.  Favourite is really the bangers and Mash, well tonight it was, seems every monday I have a different favourite.  I suppose you could say that that is the joy of coming to Oceans, there is lots to choose from. 

And if you think that I am saying this because it is my blog and I happen to work in the most amazing place, you are right of course, orrrrrrr you can review what other people are saying, that don't work here and don't write this blog.  They are on the Oceans Website and they are on places like Trip Advisor.  So read them as well.

See you all tomorrow,  if you can handle having to look at pictures like these.  We apologize now.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Liquid Sunshine

WOW we had the best day ever for not knowing what was going to happen with the sun.  It was a constant game of Sun out, sun hide.  Everytime it hid there was a shower, sometimes heavy, which is fun to hear.  Other times it was like liquid sunshine.  Regardless of the sun shining or the rain falling it was still warmish, bit of a cold wind and nip in the air, but not like I use to experience in Christchurch at this time of year.

We opened our doors for trading at 11am and the coffee machine had no time to prepare.  But like the good machine it is she pushed through until everyone had had their caffine fix.

Being Friday, I really no longer need to tell you what that is like for the Oceans Bar.  It is a chance for everyone to come together, say good bye to the week and say hello to the weekend.  I love Friday nights, even better that we have the rugby on.  ITM Cup has started and we look forward to the games ahead.  No secret I will be supporting Canterbury:)

PLUS, Exciting time heading from Whangarei towards Tutukaka now, we have traffic lights:)  Sure they are there only short term but regardless they are still stopping traffic.  Not something you see often here on the coast that is for sure.

Tomorrow is Saturday and at the moment I am really interested to know what the sun will decide to do.  Regardless of that result, our fire will be on and we will be warm inside drinking a fine glass of red wine I am thinking.  Right I have tomorrow sorted for me.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Tasting the Med in Tutukaka

We love Wednesdays at Oceans in Tutukaka.  We get to travel the world in the food way.  Last week was Tex Mex, yeeeeee ha.  But tonight, oh yes tonight we got to light the candles, put on some sexy music and taste the Med.  YUM. We got to welcome our regulars and got to meet new people to the Oceans experience.
The Wednesday Night Buffet really has it's own following.  $19.50 for a long buffet full of food and not only the healthy stuff, (and not so healthy but tastes really good food) but also the wonderful array of desserts.  I am a person who believes that all meals are just the road to the dessert.  Infact there are many times that I will start the dinner process with dessert so I can be assured there is room for it.  I would recommend doing this on a Buffet too, especially the one like tonight.  Ask Sebba, he will tell you because he is awesome

So as always with every post I have promised to find my meaning of life with every day.  And my meaning of life is finding that moment that makes you go ahhhhhhh and smile.  It is finding the good in a day.  And that today was knowing the warmth was inside, the food was inside, that wonderful cooking smell was inside and I was inside enjoying it all:)

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Cantab in Northland

Well I missed the blog for Friday.  With very good reason I will have you know.  Oceans was rocking, restaurant full, customers waiting for tables, bar humming with that good vibe that you get on Fridays at Oceans. 
Joeren from Dive! Tutukaka was celebrating his birthday at Schnappa Rock, just down the road so all up Tutukaka had that fabulous Friday night feeling.  Not so great for the Saturday Morning buzz.
Not only do I love Fridays but really it has become a bit well known with some of our locals.  It is a chance for us all to catch up after the week and prepare for the weekend ahead.  You will drive into Tutukaka and think "does anyone really live here?"  The answer is a BIG YES and they are awesome.  The fact is that Tutukaka is not just the Marina area, only so many people can live in the direct area.  But Tutukaka and Ngunguru (settlement that is 4k before you get to Tutukaka from Whangarei) are just two small populated areas of an amazing coast and we are going to be blogging about those too!

So we say farewell to Friday and say happy birthday to Jeoren.  Sleep and wake to SATURDAY.  Ohhhhhh how I waited for this Saturday.  It was like the Christmas countdown from childhood.  Crusaders in the final.  The bar staff in red and black, Crusaders Music (Conquest of Paradise).  If you don't know the music we have added on the link below. 
Vangelis - Conquest of paradise .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine
primed to activate from EVERY speaker we could find, TV's operating and the rush of dinner service to get through as everyone tried to gulp down their food before kick off.  And as is typical with the Christmas countdown of childhood, you find you are ready and waiting way before you are able to rip off any paper.  So you wait,............
Finally I got to turn down the CD music (felt like a DJ with our sound system) and pushed the crusaders theme to full. 
For those of you who haven't guessed or don't know, I am 100% true blooded, forever loyal to the Crusaders!  Steve and I may find ourselves anywhere in NZ or the world doing what we do, but our drawers are FULL of red and black gear, we will always cheer for the red and blacks, we will respect the team where we reside but always Crusader fans.  And that is what was great about this final, NZ united!  We were all for those 80 minutes Crusaders fans. 

I won't lie the result was gutting but there was soooo much pride in what the boys achieved. over 300,000 kms traveled, no home ground and the stress of having a homeland that was hurting from the recent earthquakes.  Respect is also given to the Reds with the flooding and the attack of Mother Nature on their homeland.  So if I was being honest it really was a final of two deserving teams.  Both played well and both played a hard game.
As the bar emptied after the game and we started to lock up and prepare for Sunday it was still a good day.

Sunday is Sunday, a day to rest and relax, we have to say good bye to some of our guests but we get to welcome new guests.  Bitter sweet.  And paradise for me was found this weekend in being a part of something wonderful.  I am not trying to shake my promise of finding my meaning of life in every day, but I am being honest.  this weekend it was in so many moments that there are none that have ownership over another.  And I am looking forward to welcoming the new week ahead and our new guests and those returning to visit and stay with us again

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Thursday and tsunamis

Can you believe it is Thursday again!!!!!  Is it an age thing or a reality thing when all of a sudden days and weeks are seemingly stolen from right under your nose?  You barely have mourned the loss of yesterday before you are farewelling today, surely that isn’t right.
Another beautiful day tin Tutukaka
So we woke again to a beautiful Tutukaka day, they have to be coming from somewhere right?  So where ever it is that is cold, raining and grey, we pass on our apologies we also pass on our sincerest thanks.
At 7.03am there was the earthquake located at the Kermadic Islands and 20k deep, registering at 7.6.  I have to say that the response of Civil Defence, the locals and visitors was fabulous.  Cell phones not only chimed with the warning, they rang with people ensuring the message was getting out, then the chimes and rings where joined with the sound of the civil defence alarms.  One located outside Schnapper Rock and the other located on the corner of Oceans Resort Hotel.
View from Ngunguru School
Ngunguru School was fantastic!!!  Having two young children attending and the knowledge that the school sits practically on the beach it was a wonderful relief having the knowledge that the school is well and truly ready.  Children were photo registered, lined up and marched promptly up the hill to a safe place, a place where all parents knew.  When my two got home that afternoon and were grilled “in a nonchalant way” not only were they aware of what was going on and aware of the serious nature of the situation, they were also relaxed and feeling safe.  AWESOME.  Of course there was concern if “Mum and Dad were going to be all right” and that is normal, and they have been reassured that we too have a safe place and a list of rules that we follow when the alarm sounds.
However it didn’t eventuate to much marine wise but it did allow the people of Tutukaka the ability to realise that the situation, should it occur again, has its process, has its communication and has very skilled people ready to jump into action.  Coastguard NZ and the other volunteer services all ready to go should they have been required.  It also gives everyone the chance to review any processes.  If it should ever happen as an extreme event I can put my hand over my heart and say I feel safe living here.
Oksana, Lukasz and Carlie
I am an incredibly proud Cantab, I will be wearing my red and blacks on Saturday.   Today I was proud to be a Tutukakian (not sure if that is a word), what a wonderful, wonderful bunch of people live on this coast.  You really do need to meet them
Click here to see a video that features two of our locals about the tsunami today being interviewed, one of which is the wonderful Kate Malcom from Dive! Tutukaka.  Kate and the team at Dive! Tutukaka have a great product and are very proud of the coast and the beauty of our Marine world.  So if you are coming this way and want to see why we were voted the second best coastal area by National Geographic head out on Perfect Day, you will never question again:)
Kind of obvious where my paradise was today, my meaning of life.  It was the pride to be a part of this community and a part of our team.  You will see it and feel it when you arrive here too.