So this week Oceans is taking our customers to Sweden, tasting the delights without the airfare, how neat is that! Again our Chef's did their magic, and it was Craig Estick at the helm tonight. So again I did my job, as any good manager would, I ordered my dish:) Well I mean really you do have know your product to sell your product surely we all know that.
Salmon Entree. It didn't last long at all |
This week there are two dishes from the country of Sweden. First the entree of Salmon. I think Craigs exact words to me were, "Did you actually taste that?" I will admit it was gone pretty fast and it was fantastic!! The answer was "OMG did I taste that!"
Swedish Meatball dish, oh the shame:) |
Then second was the meatballs. Now being a Mother of two I will have to say that I am pretty good at making spaghetti and meatballs, lets face it, kids love it and it is easy to make and there are no groans and arguments of how much they have to eat before they are able to excuse themselves from the table. Now being the connoisseur that I am with this dish, I wasn't prepared to give an inch when it comes to the taste, (I have pride in my own work you know). I can now say thank goodness my children didn't taste Craig's Meatballs! If that is what they are meant to taste like then I have failed my children's paletts, if that isn't what they are meant to taste like then I would like to start the petition that they should. Served with Potato and Creamy mustard sauce again there was little time to spend looking at the dish.
Yip we pull it off! Pfft not even close! But we are having fun:) |
So working the floor and welcoming the guests that came to play and dine was myself and Brent. Brent has been with Oceans now for about 3 months and is awesome, makes a great cup of coffee and is a valued member of our small team. Needless to say we rocked the night and made sure we looked the part, the difference is we made the night look good. I know many will argue that point:) Our problem is when we googled (thank goodness for google!) "What is Sweden famous for?" we were listed with many many links to porn sites. Now keeping in mind that we are family restaurant that simply wasn't going to do, so Bianca (Our Event Manager) came up with the wigs as our tribute to the top 20 links and that was as much of a tribute as they were going to get! Apart from that it was ABBA playing and some soft candle light instead of electric lighting. (NEVER under estimate what soft candle light does for your skin! I felt young again:))
Tomorrow night is the last of Sweden and then we are packing down and preparing to arrive in Italy. I think (since Brent had to wear a girls wig tonight) ALL staff will have to wear moustaches. If you agree feel free to
email me anytime with your vote. Also have a look through our game board for a dinner that will suit your taste buds, or do what many are doing and turning up for all of them on either a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday night. Remember to collect your game cards and save them up to play a game of chance and go in the draw for the Tutukaka Chest at the end.
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